Summer can be a tough time to stay on track with healthy eating what with all the BBQing and backyard celebrations that happen. BUT-it’s important to remember that there will ALWAYS be a reason to let yourself slack. Instead of focusing on what you can’t have at events, parties and gatherings, focus on what you CAN have and how much to have. You may need to cut back on calories earlier in the day since you know you may be eating more in the evening or vice versa. To keep yourself on track to reach your goals, knowing which types of calories to cut and what to eat when you aren’t in your ideal situation is KEY!! Working with a professional who knows your caloric needs and how best to keep you within your calories and macronutrients will help teach you how to eat not only for this summer and it’s festivities, but how to eat for life in general.

Another concern with summer cooking is all the carcinogens that can come with grilling meat. Heterocyclic amines (HCA) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) form when meat is overcooked or charbroiled. Yes, those little black crunchy pieces that people love to eat are just concentrated carcinogens. The best way to avoid them? Don’t cook meat for long periods of time and at very high heat (above 392 degrees F). Additionally, there are some types of herbs, spices and marinades that can help reduce the formation of and protect against HCAs and PAHs.

Check out the recipes below which can be great grilled 🙂

Grilled Hamburgers with Veggies and Feta

EZ Tarragon Chicken


Our experts can help you strategize for your upcoming events and also provide you the best suggestions for healthy grilling. Come in for your first appointment which is free!