Are you tired of making New Year’s resolutions that you know deep down you won’t keep? Millions of people resolve to live a healthier lifestyle and lose weight at the start of every year. Gyms across the country are packed with new members for the first couple weeks of January, but, within a few weeks, attendance drops to the same people who were attending in December.

It’s easy to make a goal, but it is much harder to stick to it. This year, don’t fall into the same patterns as everyone else. Use this guide to make New Year’s resolutions that turn into real, successful lifestyle changes.


Start Slow and Build

The problem with most health and fitness resolutions is taking on too much at once. If you rarely exercise and go out to eat multiple times a week, you won’t make sustainable changes if you make goals that require you to do an immediate 180-degree turn. Learning how to progress with an effective fitness program is just as important as not overdoing it. Gain an education on overload, periodization, and progression to ensure an effective use of time at the gym as you adapt to your exercise program.

You don’t want to overdo it in the beginning, but you still want to make sure you are challenging yourself. A personal trainer can help you develop a program that matches (and stretches) your current abilities and can help you adjust until you are eventually meeting your goals.


Be Specific

Vague goals are little more than wishes. If your New Year resolutions sound something like “eat better” and “work out more often,” then it’s time to create more specific, measurable goals.

Do you want to lose weight this year? Specify how much and by when. Are you trying to get ready for a race? Write down when the race takes place and what time you want to get when you run it.

Break these goals down into specific tactics like run x amount of miles three times a week by this date or consume x amount of calories each day. Once you have set specific tactics, also establish set intervals to measure progress.


Get Organized

Healthy eating and fitness don’t happen by accident. It might feel like you don’t have time to cook healthy meals and workout regularly, and if you haven’t organized your schedule, you might not.

Take time to create a weekly schedule. Block out the non-negotiable periods of time when you are unavailable such as work, school, etc. Schedule time to work out, shop for groceries and make meals. When everything is written on the calendar, you might find that you have more time than you initially thought.

Build Accountability

There will come a point (or, more likely, several points) when you want to give up. You’ll be tired, busy, hungry, bored, or any combination of a million other excuses. When those times come, you’ll need someone else to hold you accountable.

Anyone can fill this role so long as he or she is willing to call you out when necessary. This isn’t a task for a friend who will let you give him or her excuses. Stay accountable to yourself by remembering what your goals are and why these habits are important to you.

Personal trainers and Dietitians are great options for a health and fitness plan that includes accountability. Not only can they hold you accountable, but they also have the knowledge and skills needed to offer you the support and guidance that can lead to greater motivation and success.


Make Changes You Can Commit to for Life

Weight loss and fitness fads will come and go. You might be able to lose a lot of weight when you attempt a fancy, restrictive diet, but if the changes can’t be incorporated into your life long-term, then what’s to stop the weight from coming back once you’re done?

Don’t just learn how to follow a diet or keep up with the latest fad; commit to changes that you can stick to for the rest of your life. That’s the only way to enjoy the lifelong benefits of health and fitness. Studies have shown that long-term weight loss is 60% more likely to be maintained when you continue the same habits both during and after reaching your goals.

Your resolutions don’t have to turn into old dreams come February. Join us today to achieve your health and fitness New Year’s resolutions.