What’s the buzz/big deal about branched chain amino acids??  What are these things anyway?

An amino acid is a building block of protein. Some amino acids can be made by the human body, and some are essential-meaning we must consume them in the diet. While amino acids are the building blocks of protein (generally used in building muscle and providing) , certain forms of amino acids can actually be used for  energy in the body. These amino acids are luecine, isoleucine and valine-also known as branched chain amino acids (BCAAs).


Why does this matter? Well…generally the human body prefers stored glucose (also known as glycogen) for fuel during exercise. The best sources of potential glycogen for the body comes from sources like whole grains and fresh fruit. However, our bodies can use some forms of protein in certain cases for energy. Branched chain amino acids are different from other amino acids  because they can be metabolized for energy right in the muscle itself. This is great news for  long duration aerobic exercise (exercise lasting longer than 3 hours) because BCAAs can be used instead of glycogen for energy which results in a possible increase in sports performance since glycogen can be spared.

Because BCAAs are an essential amino acid, they must be consumed in the diet somehow, the body will not make them. Good sources of BCAAs include dairy products, meat, wheat protein, soy and whey protein isolates. BCAA scan be consumed before or during a a bout of exercise, but factoring in the body’s ability to recognize and effectively use BCAAs is important. Thus it is imperative to gradually incorporate BCAAs in the form of a supplement or whole food over time to give the body time to adapt. Additionally, it is always a good idea to give yourself time to adjust to a new dietary change and increase doses gradually.

Many individuals prefer BCAAs in a supplement as it is generally easier to consume than a meal before or during a workout. We offer an excellent pre-workout supplement containing BCAAs at our location in Draper.

If you plan to begin an aggressive exercise routine or are looking to increase your sports performance, make an appointment and we can talk about how BCAAs may benefit your training!